Markers of education, research and intervention for the University of the next 25 years - MUst25s
Este projeto foi interrompido por falta de financiamento
The present project comes in the sequence of another one that was originated in a lecture given at the Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil), at the IX EDUCOM Colloquium on "Markers of training, innovation and research for the University of the next decade" (Tavares, 2015 ). The idea of marker presented at this conference is the structuring piece of the theoretical model developed in order to understand the current and future situation of universities. The markers are observable variables that allow us to characterize the current situation and to imagine how the universities will configure themselves in the future with respect to the three variables: "Education", "research" and "innovation". Inspired by Damásio´s idea of somatic markers in his neuro-cerebral studies (Damásio, 1991; 1994), "marker" assumes in this project a metaphorical meaning that allows it to be transposed into the domains of the psychological, sociocultural and humanistic sciences. The idea of a marker aims to understand the internal structure of the University and its relation with the outside world. The marker is used as an association of components, network indicators that, according to the value assigned to it, can determine the dynamics of the University of the present and of the future. The markers identified in the theoretical model were: minds, affections, autonomy, technologies, methods, organisation, equipment, buildings, contexts, financing and behaviours. In 2016, this conceptualisation was followed by colleagues from Portuguese, Brazilian and English universities and gave rise to a project entitled "Markers of training, innovation and research for the University of today and the next decade", hosted by CIDInE, member of EERA. Some exploratory studies on the diagnosis around these markers were done with a methodological approach based on a case study of constructivist and socio-phenomenological outline, with interviews with UA teachers, online questionnaires and construction of scenarios in focus groups (Tavares, Oliveira & Alarcão, 2016). After these empirical studies, the theoretical model went through some changes. The "innovation" focus was replaced by "intervention" and the markers were readjusted to: minds, affections, autonomy, equipment, organisation, contexts, financing, behaviours, employability, democraticity, internationalisation, sustainability. The readjustments are due to the respondents' suggestions on the pertinence of employability, democraticity, internationalisation and sustainability and on the partial overlap of some of them. The term “pesquisa” is, in the national context, replaced by “investigação” (research). The markers studied so far are not closed. They provide an inspiring framework for thinking and rethinking the University, but it is possible to review, complete, reconfigure and better explain its importance. Thinking about the University of the future is a subject of great importance in the present day, in which globalisation, computerisation, networking, multiculturalism and increasing change, uncertainty, risk and unpredictability make us question about what the University will be like in a few years' time. Projects such as the "Futures for higher education: analysing trends" are launched in the United Kingdom, scenarios are imagined such as the ones the OECD launched in 2004, challenges are analysed (UNESCO, 2003), strategies are planned in institutions, such is the case of UFSC in Brazil (Moritz, Pereira, Souza, Herling, Moritz & Cesconetto, 2010). Although no research on the future of the University based on markers has been found in the scientific literature, studies about the University are exponentially increasing. It is noteworthy the collection of texts "Challenges and Perspectives of Brazilian Higher Education for the Next Decade" (Speller and Meneghel, 2012), in which this problem is highlighted. The scenario methodology and the thinking of three authors, Michel Godet, Michael Porter, Peter Schwartz, served as inspiration for this process. Starting from the military strategic planning, this approach quickly moved to industry, policy and organisational development. It is important to highlight the increasing presence of the factor person in the process of planning the future, as can be seen in the title "People and Connections" regarding the creation of scenarios for 2025 by Shell, one of the companies that developed this methodology the most. Beginning by focusing on the behaviour of oil prices, they soon recognised the relevance of people in decision making. People, university actors and the way they perceive the University were always at the center of researchers' concerns, justifying the methodology used and the preference given to interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. Among the definitions of scenario in the literature was taken as reference the one of Schwartz: "A tool for ordering one's perception about alternative future environments on which one's decisions might be played out (Schwartz, 1991: 45)." In operative terms, was followed Chermack to whom "the scenario planning is a participatory approach to the strategy that features a diverse thinking and conversation" (Chermack, 2011: 10). Without pretending to make an exhaustive review of the literature, we tried to identify the strength lines underlying these themes as well as some authors who have been working on them. Given the innovative nature of the transposition of the concept of marker and its operationalisation, this aspect and the work already done was highlighted. It is considered relevant to continue to insist in this direction. Based on the research findings already developed, this project seeks to explain and understand where the University is, what it wants to be and where it intends to go in the next 25 years. The incidence in the next 25 years aims to underline an idea and a research attitude that consists in knowing how to read the present and to understand it, because this is the best way to anticipate the future. The speed of innovation that requires collaboration, disruption and sustainability is increasing, and training, research and intervention also follow this innovative vertigo at local, regional, national and global levels.
The present-day society is characterised by strong pressures caused by the globalisation, entrepreneurship, accountability, scanning and multiculturalism. All these aspects have an impact on the universities, where traditional audiences have to cope nowadays with new audiences, university education and training tend to be more oriented to the labor market or to a more open profile, basic and theoretical research have to be articulated with applied research, national and international cooperation at different levels. The university today, steeped in bureaucracies, bibliometrics, rankings, seems to be a little distracted from the challenges on which this project is based. The university needs to rethink constantly its near or more distant future, but always well anchored in the experience of the past. This permanent reflection and debate can not be relegated to the background or even be forgotten. The leaderships of university institutions that do not think their present reality looking to the future and the future looking to the experience of the past are not true leaders. The mission of the university is fulfilled in three key areas - training, research and community intervention - that must be articulated and imbued by innovation as "increased value". Training, research and intervention must be truly innovative; otherwise, they would be a mere repetition of information, of practices and processes. How will be the University of the next 25 years, in the perception of its current actors, is the central question on which this project is based, aiming, ultimately, to raise awareness of emerging challenges.
The answer to this question will be given by the study of probable scenarios imagined in relation to the markers with focus on training, research and intervention: minds, affections, autonomy, equipment, organisation, contexts, financing, behaviours, employability, democraticity, internationalization and sustainability. Some questions, arising from the central question, are stated as follows: What is the strength, intensity, and relevance of each of these markers in the dynamics of the internal structure and external relations of the University? Is the perception of teachers, researchers, staff and students different? Are these perceptions different in relation to different areas of knowledge, specialties, courses or services? Will there be differences in gender, age and time of service or connection to the university institution? Will there be great differences among universities at national and international level? How to intervene in the ways of thinking and acting of its actors? How to assess the impact of an intervention program in this regard? On these questions, the following hypotheses can be formulated: H1. The University of the next 25 years depends on the strength and relevance of the identified markers; H2. There are different perceptions among teachers, researchers, staff and students; H3. The perceptions are distinct in relation to the different areas of knowledge, specialties, courses and services; H4. There are differences regarding gender, age and time of service or connection to the university institution; H5. There are differences among universities at national and international level; H6. It is possible to act in order to improve and optimize the performances of the actors and institutions involved; H7. Assess the impacts of an intervention program needed in order to encourage change.
Taking into account the raised issues, it is intended to achieve the following objectives: to prospect the University of the future and to look ahead to the most likely scenarios for the next 25 years; to make comparative studies on the University of the next 25 years in a national and international context; to intervene for individual, collective and organisational changes, assessing the impact of these interventions; to deepen and to stabilise markers.
Research plan and methods:
The research plan will be fundamentally based on methodological approaches to case study in different national and to reply latter on to foreign universities with methodologies of a reflective-constructivist and socio-phenomenological matrix and will be unfolded in three great phases that intersect in the own dynamics of the development of the project , such as:
1. Diagnostic phase
The diagnostic phase will consist of interviews, surveys, scenario making and discussion in focus group / worskhops sessions and structured conversations in informal environments that will be repeated at different times and institutions to confirm or reject the theoretical model based on the markers. The construction of scenarios and the formation of inter- and transdisciplinary think-tanks has proved to be an innovative and stimulating aspect of research. The scenarios seek to cover a range of contrasted conceptions focusing on what will be the University of the next 25 years and will be worked on sessions organised for this purpose. These sessions will be held in an appropriate place and with appropriate dynamics and materials prepared according to the following format: presentation of the proposed scenarios for discussion, 15m; Brainstorming, 40m; Braintalking/brainwriting, 70 a 80 m; Notes on the session, 15m. The groups shall have the following composition: 6 project investigators (for coordination, animation, observation and annotation functions); 6 representatives of the professors; 6 representatives of researchers; 6 technical-administrative employees; 6 representatives of undergraduate, master and Ph.D students. Sessions with Audio and video recording. Structured conversations in informal environment are another form of data collection that appears to be original and effective. It is about having coffee and talking, to 4.The first part of the conversation, after presenting the objectives to be achieved, will focus on the anticipation each invited chatter makes of what the University will be for the next 25 years, assigned to the markers presented in the form of radar. In the second part, the each member of the group evaluates the markers on prepared response sheets. Each invited chatter makes their own assessment of the markers arranged on the radar - cognitive level. The project investigators also evaluate the markers based on the opinion that each formed in the interaction with the invited chatters - metacognitive level. The chatters can leave small comments, questions or doubts in the margin of the answer sheet for later analysis. From the set of conversations, at least 60, it will be obtained a mass of quantitative and qualitative At this diagnostic phase, data collection instruments such as face-to-face or online questionnaires will also be used.
2. Intervention Phase
In addition to the individual and group interventions referred to in the previous point, the intervention phase will be carried out mainly through open and extended sessions for the presentation and discussion of the results obtained in the formal and informal activities carried out at the diagnostic and discussion phase of their contribution to the transformation and perhaps the transmutation of the University of the future, in particular, over the next 25 years. On that board:
Are designed training workshops based on markers aiming to equip university actors with personal and professional resources (empowerment) to enable them to be prepared for the challenges of the future. These workshops will be organised according to the markers grouped into 3 major clusters adressed to the person, the organisation and the relationship with the outside. Construction of a digital platform to monitor the evolution of the university actors in optimizing their professional performance and encouraging networking. This platform will be developed collaboratively with the input of the participants involved.
3. Impact assessment phase:
The phases of diagnosis and intervention will necessarily lead to the phase of evaluation of the impacts which is what is basically aimed to achieve with the plan of this investigation. How to measure and evaluate these impacts is always a big and difficult question for researchers in social sciences. The answer to this question points to the development of a new mentality and new behaviors that will have impact on the way of being and acting of the main actors of the University in the short, medium and long term. Therefore, the research products in the diagnostic and intervention phases should translate, through reports, communications in congresses, colloquiums and seminars, articles in national and international journals, book chapters, master's thesis and, possibly, Ph.D thesis, the ultimate goal of this project: to rethink the university in terms of its change and continuous transformation
Data analysis
The data will be analysed according to the qualitative, quantitative or both systems. Given the variety of the project instruments (interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions, structured conversations in informal environments, etc.), it will be possible to gather a wide range of information on the different case studies. It will be used the SPSS statistical software. The statistics of factorial extraction, internal consistency of instruments, variance, regression, structural analysis and model construction will be explored and applied according to the objectives to be achieved, the issues raised and the hypotheses formulated in the project.
The structure, dynamics and leadership of management will be democratic, decentralised, flexible, resilient while remaining rigorous, serious and effective, seeking to involve all researchers in the tasks and taking advantage of their more or less diversified and complementary resources.
The PI for purposes of financial and administrative management of the project, and particularly of ensuring compliance with FCT and European rules, the PI will have the assistance specifically from the Office of Financial Management of Programs and Projects (GAPP) and UA legal support.
The management activity will be created by different existing support structures in the UA. The PI will be responsible for steering the team's work and ensuring compliance with the proposed timeline and aims. Take a Kick off meeting with the entire team to present guidelines for Human Resource and Budget Management and progress monitoring procedures and set a schedule of meetings with the leaders of each activity. Weekly meetings will be held, to evaluate project development and take corrective action. Extraordinary meetings may also be scheduled whenever necessary. At the end of each meeting, a record will be made.
A mailing list will be created. The communication between the members will be by electronic mail and other online communication tools facilitator of the collaborative work. Will be made a digital file and a physical folder with the information of the project.
The sharing of activities, organisation and method based on minds linked by affections, enlightened, responsible and autonomous will be the secret of success.
Thus, activities in the diagnostic and intervention phases will involve the elaboration and administration of questionnaires, conducting interviews and organizing and implementing sessions / workshops with focus groups, scenario building, structured conversations in informal.
Atividade: 1 - Literature Review; Re-evaluate the materials; Invitation participants; First Workshop; Analysis of the quantitative data; Publication of articles; Presentation of a paper national; Master Dissertation; Computational Application; Study visit Portugal of the Brazilian Research team.
Descrição da Atividade
* Literature Review according to the PRISMA model and with registration in PROPERO;
* Organize the steps and re-evaluate the materials (radars and descriptors) with the aim of holding a workshop;
* Invitation of participants (staff, teachers, researchers, scholarship holders and undergraduate students) and divide them into teams; * First workshop using Scenarios for the University of the next 25 years;
* Analysis of the quantitative data collected in the 1st workshop;
* Publication of an article with the results of the Integrative Literature Review;
* Publication of an article in an international journal with peer review with the results of the Integrative Literature Review;
* Publication of an article with the results of the first workshop;
* Presentation of a paper at a national conference;
* Elaboration of a Masters dissertation;
Atividade: 2 - Building of the project website; Data analysis; Elaboration of an article; Elaboration and evaluation of instruments; Re-evaluation of materials; Report of the activities; Masters dissertation
Descrição da Atividade
* Building of the project website for the interconnection of the research teams and registration of the development of activities;
* Data analysis of the interactions among the groups participating in the Forum (site) and of the qualitative results of the 1st workshop; * Elaboration of an article of the qualitative data of the 1st workshop and of the interactions carried out in the online Forum;
* Elaboration and evaluation of instruments to examine the interventions (workshop and online forum);
* Re-evaluation of materials used in the workshop (radars and descriptors for the 1st workshop);
* Report on the 1st year activities;
* Elaboration of a Masters dissertation.
Atividade: 3 - Execution of the task Informal Structured Conversations; Conducting training activities; Conclusion of the theoretical model; Invitation new participants; Implementation of the 2nd workshop; Book Chapter; Article to Publish in an International Journal; Presentation of a Paper at an National Conference.
Descrição da Atividade
* Execution of the task Informal Structured Conversations "Drink coffee and talk" with teachers, researchers, employees and students about what the University will be like in the next 25 years, based on the markers;
* Conducting training activities on a higher education level (May, June, July);
* Conclusion of the theoretical model;
* Invitation of new participants (employees, teachers, researchers, fellows and undergraduate students) and divide them into teams. * Implementation of the 2nd workshop with the use of Scenarios for the University of the next 25 years;
* Elaboration of a book chapter;
* Elaboration of an article to publish in an international journal with peer review;
* Presentation of a paper at an national conference.
Atividade: 4 - Monitoring of the project website; Processing and analysis; Validation of the Evaluation Instruments of the interventions; Execution of the task Informal Structured Conversations; Article to Publish in an International Journal; Paper at an International Conference; Master Dissertation; Study visit to Brazil of the Portuguese Research Team.
Descrição da Atividade
* Monitoring of the project website and of the discussion forum about the University for the next 25 years;
* Processing and analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data of the workshop and of the project website contributions (forum);
* Validation of the evaluation instruments (workshop and forum of the site);
* Execution of the task Informal Structured Conversations "Drink coffee and talk" with teachers, researchers, employees and students about what the University will be like in the next 25 years, based on the markers;
* Elaboration of an article to publish in an international journal with peer review;
* Presentation of a paper at an international conference;
* Elaboration of a Master dissertation;
* Study visit to Brazil of the Portuguese research team in order to help with the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the workshops.
Atividade: 5 - Invitation of new participants; Implementation the 3rd workshop; Processing and analysis; Validation of the results; Evaluation of the usefulness of the project; Creation of the digital platform open; Book Chapter; Article to be Published in an International Journal; Paper at an International Conference; Article in a National Journa
Descrição da Atividade
* Invitation of new participants (employees, teachers, researchers, fellows and undergraduate students) and divide them into teams.
* Implementation the 3rd Workshop with the use of Scenarios for the University of the next 25 years;
* Processing and analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data of the workshop and of the contributions on the project website (forum).
* Validation of the results through the participants contributions;
* Evaluation of the usefulness of the project;
* Creation of the digital platform open to the Portuguese-speaking countries where all materials will be placed, including the Markers Instrument with its standardized values for the Portuguese population. This platform should be open and give feedbacks of the contributions, comparing them with the standardized values in order to improve their performances. * Elaboration of a book chapter;
* Elaboration of an article to be published in an international journal with peer review;
* Presentation of a paper at an international conference;
* Publication of an article in a national journal with peer review.
Atividade: 6 - Elaboration of the final version of the instrument on the markers; Organization of an Ibero-American Symposium; Publication and dissemination of results; Elaboration of the articles and chapter; Book Chapter; Article to be Published in a National Journal; Masters dissertation; PhD final thesis; Conclusion of the theorical model; Final project report.
Descrição da Atividade
* Elaboration of the final version of the instrument on the markers in order to be able to validate the radar instrument "MUst25s" (English and Portuguese version); * Organization of an Ibero-American symposium, opened to the whole community, where the results of the project will be presented.
* Publication and dissemination of the results of the project at national and international conferences;
* Elaboration of articles in scientific journals and chapters of books
* Elaboration of a book chapter;
* Elaboration of an article to be published in a national journal. * Presentation of a paper at a national conference;
* Publication of an article in an international journal;
* Elaboration of a Masters dissertation;
* Elaboration of a PhD final thesis;
* Conclusion of the theorical model;
* Delivery of the final project report.
Identification pedagogical models and frameworks, used most extensively in an e-learning /experiential learning context; Identification of evidence of the impact of communities of practice on learning, professional behaviours and quality of practices; Model for ethical questioning of life could be an example of good practices
Experience in the construction and validation of instruments and screening for monitorizing
Identification of Students and teachers needs in order to be a success at univeristy
A.Scientific Publications
The diffusion and dissemination of results gathered with participants in multidisciplinary contexts is project.
Sharing and feedback regarding obtained results with other researchers and the surrounding community will be a facilitating aspect for the construction and innovation of knowledge in this area.
C. Reports
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a priority in this
Reports are critical to monitor and register the project progress.
D. Organisation of seminars and conferences
They are indispensable for the continuous training of all the authors involved in this project, as well as a means to facilitate, to the whole community such as teachers, researchers, employees and students, access to this information. E. Advanced Training
It includes the frequency and accomplishment of masters and doctorates degree, which will enable the production of scientific documents (thesis), which will contribute to the autonomy of the investigation and to the construction of knowledge, impeller of the scientific area. In addition, advanced training contributes to personal and professional development.
And also, conditions will be created for the accomplishment of a post doctorate, focused on the study of markers.
F. Models
Systematisation and validation of the theoretical model underlying the whole project, will make it a reference for the future.
J. Products
One of the great innovations and added value of this project is the construction, validation and registration of the assessment tools that will be indispensable for the monitoring of the process of diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. The innovation will highlight the evaluation tools, specifically the pilot questionnaire that will allow the identification of the markers that will be represented and evaluated in radar format [See appendix assessment radars]. In addition, the construction of a website and a webtechnology / digital plataform is intended, we expect it to be dynamic and accessible to all of the Portuguese speaking population, including South America (Brazil), Africa (PALOP) and Timor Lorosae.
L. Innovative processes
The methodology used in this project, from drinking coffee with the use of focus groups techniques, to individual interviews and training, is expected to facilitate the proximity among all university participants, greater interdisciplinary and cooperation.
N. Integration of knowledge into higher education activities
Knowledge that emerges from this project will be integrated into activities and curricular units at the University.
Final Indicators: the current project brings change and societal challenges, consolidates a cultural change, based on cooperation and sharing of context and experiences, reflection and self-evaluation of the university.
It is constituted by a sustained and robust pilot study, opening up challenging horizons for change enabling an inclusive and multicultural society.
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Plano de ações de disseminação de resultados e promoção do conhecimento e divulgação da cultura científicas:
- Ações de divulgação de cultura científica;
- Ações Promoção e disseminação do conhecimento; - Publicações técnicas/científicas;
- Conferências, seminários ou fóruns;
- Ações junto dos sectores alvo;
- Outros (especificar).
The Markers project proposes to implement some initiatives with the academic community in order to promote greater awareness of the University in the next 25 years. In this way, its main actions are:
1. Invitation of participants (staff, teachers, researchers, scholarship holders and undergraduate students) and divide them into teams to discuss (workshops) the main markers that signal the University today and the next 25 years;
2. Organize the first workshop using Scenarios for the University of the next 25 years;
3. Building of the project website for the interconnection of the research teams and registration of the development of activities;
4. Execution of the task Informal Structured Conversations "Drink coffee and talk" with teachers, researchers, employees and students about what the University will be like in the next 25 years, based on the markers;
5. Conducting training activities on a higher education level;
6. Elaboration of a book chapter and elaboration of an article to publish in an international journal with peer review;
7. Organization of an Ibero-American symposium, opened to the whole community, where the results of the project will be presented.
O projeto dá resposta a desafios societais? Quais?
Justificação - No 1
Desafio Societal
Principal Linha de Atuação
6. Europa num Mundo em Mudança ? Sociedades Inclusivas, Inovadoras e Ponderadas / Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
6.1. Sociedades Inclusivas (resposta dos modelos Europeus de coesão social e bem-estar a fatores como migrações, alterações demográficas, envelhecimento da sociedade, a deficiência, a educação e aprendizagem ao longo da vida, bem como a redução da pobreza e da exclusão social, tendo em conta as diversidades culturais e regionais)
Clarification of the University's mission at the level of the knowledge society and internationalisation networks. Promotion of mobility and exchange programmes for teachers, researchers, students and staff who can contribute to development and lifelong learning. The present project aims a stronger awareness of diversity and cultural integration for the University of the future. Confronting and contradicting previously conceived ideas results in changes and enrichment of knowledge. Reflecting on the Future of the University is pertinent not only for research but also to identify public policies in Higher Education. The University must intervene more actively in society, contributing to make it more just, more inclusive and, as such, freer.